Everything DiSC Workplace Facilitation Kit



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Three 90-minute modules; fully-scripted facilitation with engaging activities and workplace-focused video. Also includes 30-minute optional people-reading module.

Easily customizable

Switch out video clips. Modify the PowerPoint, Leader’s Guide, and handouts. Add or delete sections to fit any timeframe.

The Everything DiSC Workplace Facilitation Kit includes:

  • Leader’s Guide in MS Word
  • PowerPoint® with embedded video
  • Stand-alone, menu-driven video
  • Participant handouts in MS Word
  • Templates and images
  • Sample Everything DiSC Workplace Profile
  • Sample Everything DiSC Comparison Report
  • Online resources and research
  • Everything DiSC Workplace Guides

Module 1: Discovering Your DiSC Style

Participants discover how DiSC styles affect their workplace relationships and explore the priorities that drive them at work.

Module 2: Understanding Other Styles

Participants learn what works for them and what challenges them when interacting with each DiSC style.

Module 3: Building More Effective Relationships

Participants create strategies and an action plan to overcome challenges when working with people of different DiSC styles.

Includes Optional People-Reading Module

Participants learn how to identify others’ DiSC styles based on behavioral cues.




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